Recipe of Success
Website, Branding, Social, EmailAbout
This website project was a true labor of love and an honor to launch. Mark Moeller is a restaurant consultant extraordinaire and friend. We go way back, to 1999 when PCC&D Creative Director, Lori Roberts, Leigh Roberts, Tom Donahue, Mike Kalajian, and 25 intrepid investors opened a little créperie in Chelsea, NY called Rue des Crêpes. Without Mark’s expert help, the doors of this special place would never have opened. After working for years on the concept, tasting and testing recipe after recipe and traveling to Paris for authentic decor, one month before opening, our good friend and “business guy with all the expertise” passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. Mark stepped in and steered the ship towards port, with his calm and steady demeanor and experienced hand. Not only did PCC&D enjoy helping him tell his story online, but we can also recommend him personally for any restaurant embarking on this journey. Stop by recipeofsuccess.com.